Grace in Today’s World

Grace in Today's World

GRACE…in today’s world, in my world!!!  I don’t think so!!!

It’s a cut-throat mentality in today’s world. Fear, anger, retaliation, and out-right evil are the prevailing modes of operandi. Russia’s evil, power-hungry and zero value for human life certainly demonstrates no evidence of grace. Worldwide, communist-hungry countries boldly and heartlessly destroy God breathed and divinely created human beings. 

How can grace be infused into today’s world, into my world? God’s word instructs His followers to hate evil and defend the weak. We must protect our families and defend our faith. But in today’s world where a teenager can mow down precious children and their teachers, where does grace enter the picture? What about those of us whose future hope for mankind, including our children, has been destroyed?

Three suggestions come to mind:

  1. We must humble ourselves before our Lord and cry out for his grace and mercy that He so generously wants to give to us. When our communication with Him is clear, we are ready to bring other requests to Him.
  2. We are now able to ask for God’s grace and comfort for those who are suffering severely for the loss of loved ones and much more.  Grace also invites us to take action in practical ways.  Listening and praying with  those are examples.
  3. Praying for God to stop the evil in those perpetrating it is another way to pray.  Asking Him to spare the lives of innocent people.  But when that does not happen, as we are witnessing daily, we must recognize that grace also covers the individuals and families who have suffered the loss of loved ones. 

    Grace does not equate weakness or freedom from responsibility.  Grace was initiated at the Cross when Jesus prayed, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  Grace is freely given from Jesus to his children as soon as we call out to Him.


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